“I'm grateful for Hamish's contributions to our team, most noteworthy of which is the establishment of design as a core part of our organization's geneaology.”

Raghu Rai - CEO & Founder


I've worked with many startups & founders just like you to bring their ideas to life. You may not have had a lot of experience building products before, that's where I can help.

Being a designer means that I will always be a voice for the user and consider their perspectives first. This will help you achieve two things:

  • Create a product that users love and want to tell their friends about.
  • Build a sustainable business so you can continue to create a product that users love.
Concentration face.

My Values

These are some principles I like to keep in mind when working through projects:

  • I believe in the intersection of user needs and business case. Good design not only solves a users' problem, it creates a sustainable business as well.
  • I believe in starting narrow first. It is a lot easier to explore a solution for a narrowly defined audience, then broaden after gaining initial traction.
  • I believe in making educated assumptions, arriving at the quickest way to test that assumption then validating that idea through talking to real users.
  • I believe in constant iteration and that design is never finished.
  • I believe that true failure only manifests if you fail and don't learn anything from it.
  • I believe that design is a continual learning process. Learning about the problems users face, learning new techniques to arrive at better outcomes, learning new tools to communicate design intentions, always learning.


Originally from New Zealand, I moved to the UK with the intention of staying for two years. Seven years later and I am happily settled in Cambridge with my wife and child on the way.

Back in New Zealand, the national sport is undoubtedly Rugby Union. I was brought up to love the game and am lucky enough to play it from time to time.

I currently play semi-professionally for a club in Bishops Stortford. It's a fun way to keep fit & healthy and a good way to let off steam after a long day.


In between Skype meetings and chat threads, working from home can sometimes get a little lonely. Thankfully I have a trusty work colleague in Clover, our Miniature Schnauzer.

Clover is great at making sure I don't work too hard by getting me out of my chair - as long as it results in food or walkies. That's Clover on her 2nd birthday. She got a cake with dog treats. A little bit ridiculous I know...